World Cancer Day: Reimagining a World Without Preventable Cancer Deaths

Image Courtesy: Gemstoneuniverse Global & One Light
A Remarkable Thing happened on The World Cancer Day- February 4th- 2024-where searching for hashtag #closethecare gap bought the top result of the Grandmaster- Revered Guruji Shrii Arnav’s post on Cancer titled as “ The Crocodile Way”.
As those who have been affected by this dreaded disease personally related to it and many in a deeply emotional manner- Revered Guruji’s Way to approach and prevent Cancer came as a profound manifesto.
As this disease reaches worldwide epidemic proportions where some schools of thought project that there will be a time where every second person in the world will get Cancer- The Master’s way is a full 360-degree approach that should be seriously considered by all stakeholders.
Enter the “Crocodile Way” by Guruji Shrii Arnav – The Master of Squaring the Circle and Circling the Square- a comprehensive 360-degree strategy aimed at effectively combating cancer.
The Crocodile approach, symbolized by 9 key elements, reflects a multifaceted and holistic methodology towards managing and eventually conquering cancer. This strategy emphasizes crucial aspects such as celebrating victories, eradicating triggers, fostering contemplation for enhanced pain management, conscious lifestyle choices, effective oxygenation, isolation of causative factors, humane investigation, policy advocacy, continuous education, and lastly, service.
Guruji also highlights the need for a combined effort to address cancer, emphasizing the role of advancements in science and information sharing.
He underscores the importance of government legislation and standards to make cancer treatment more accessible and affordable.
Additionally, He expresses a desire for a world where preventable cancer deaths are eliminated and access to effective treatment is equitable for everyone.
Throughout his profound and thought provoking post , Guruji shares personal reflections, experiences, and contributions toward the fight against cancer.
The piece concludes with a call to action, urging readers to participate in the positive movement against cancer.
It also includes references to the Union for International Cancer Control and provides a link for further information.
The amalgamation of these nine elements epitomizes a paradigm shift in cancer management, providing a holistic and integrated approach.
Furthermore, drawing from the Gems of Vedic symbolism, spirituality and Astrology He explains the concept of “KARKATAK” Roga, incorporating the power of 9 planets and 12 houses.
While ideally, no one should have to face the fateful grasp of cancer, the reality often proves otherwise. The fervent wish arises that those encountering this battle find the resilience to overcome it and emerge as beacons of hope for others.
The “Crocodile Way” represents a powerful avenue in the vast labyrinth of cancer care, yet it offers a unique and profound perspective on addressing this timeless challenge.
On this World Cancer Day, the imperative of “Closing the Care Gap” resonates deeply. It’s a collective call to action, urging leaders worldwide to prioritize cancer care and invest in strategies that promote equitable access to treatment for all. The theme of this year sets the stage for an ongoing pursuit of global awareness, education, and mobilized action.
In conclusion, Guruji Shrii Arnav aims and inspires to emphasize the indomitable spirit in the face of cancer, as embodied by the “Prophet of Hope” – a testament to the human resolve and ability to confront even the most formidable of adversaries.
It’s a poignant reminder that in the pursuit of a cancer-free world, each individual’s contribution, no matter how modest, is a significant step forward.
Guruji’s original post can be found here.
The Prophet of Hope- TEDx talk can be found here. Guruji Shrii Arnav- Is the Mentor Of Gemstoneuniverse– The World’s Leading source of Untreated Pure, Natural, Astrological Jyotish Gemstones.