Punk Extravaganza: Sarah! Welcome to Punk Extravaganza, the home for all things punk
Sarah Herrera: Thanks Roger, good to be here
PE: Um, my name isn’t Roger
Sarah: I call everyone Roger. Mind if I smoke?
PE: Um …
Sarah: Thanks. What’s the first question, Roger?
PE: Okay, new album … I Like To Drink And Drive So I Can Be A Giant Pinball Going Down The Road, coming out early March. Can you give us a little background on it?
Sarah: Well, it’s like Shakespeare, but with more feedback and less… tights. Do you have a lighter or something?
PE: Tights?
Sarah: I’m very drunk
PE: How would you describe The Tommy Lasorda Experience?
Sarah: We’re like, the female Ramones, but with more attitude and less, you know, hygiene. Well, the rest of the band isn’t female. Are they? Know what I mean? Sure you do.
PE: There’s a powerful message behind some of the songs on the new album. What should we take away from this album?
Sarah: Tequila. And my grandma’s cookbook. She makes a mean crust. But, like, a rebellious crust.
PE: Huh?
Sarah: Yeah, well, they’re crunchy. And they choke you. Metaphorically. Unless…
PE: Okay, you joined The Tommy Lasorda Experience in 2022, after leaving Exploited Cocks. What’s it like to be in one of the biggest punk bands in New York?
Sarah: Mostly existential dread, the crushing weight of capitalism, and the sheer absurdity of human existence. Oh, and sometimes I just scream about how much I hate Bulgarians. And jumping jacks. Lots of jumping jacks. And sometimes, I yell at a picture of a politician. I gotta find my lucky safety pin. It’s got, like, sentimental value. I think I stabbed someone with it once. Or maybe it was me. Doesn’t matter. It’s lucky.
PE: Your safety pin?
Sarah: Yeah, don’t listen to anyone. Especially me. And wear boots. You’ll be jumping a lot. And, like, scream your lungs out. Cleans the soul. And always have a backup bottle of… apple juice. It’s for my throat. Totally.
PE: What’s it like traveling the world playing shows.
Sarah: I don’t really like to travel. I think it’s because my Dad used to beat me with a globe
PE: Musical heroes?
Sarah: It starts and ends with Sha Na Na. OH MY GOD have we ripped them off. Shamelessly. My singing style is completely based on Bowzer. He is the original punk. Oh, would I love to get my hands on his rama lama ding dong. Don’t get me started
PE: Fair enough. So, what’s the punk scene like in your city?
Sarah: The what?
PE: The punk scene
Sarah: There are a lot of coded messages from sentient cloud people
PE: The New York City punk scene?
Sarah: We’re not from New York City. We’re from The Bronx.
PE: That’s in New York City, Sarah
Sarah: Do you have a light?
PE: Okay, you had a minor hit with the song This Is My Jam! Could you tell us a little but about it?
Sarah: Do you know who I am? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA?
PE: No, who are you, Sarah?
Sarah: (long pause) I’m the person who yells “Freebird!” at funerals
PE: Yes … okay. I understand there’s been tension in the group lately, you’ve done solo projects, there’s been talk of you guys going your separate ways. Any truth to that?
Sarah: A knitted ocean
PE: Sorry?
Sarah: Oh. No, the band is fine. We might be on hiatus. Maybe we already were. Do you have anything to drink?
PE: We don’t, sorry. I have heard you have an active social life. What would dating you be like?
Sarah: Put it this way. Time is a construct. A shimmering tapestry woven from the threads of forgotten lullabies. Did you know the moon is made of crystallized laughter?
PE: You don’t say
Sarah: It’s true. Ask Robert Plant. If you can wake him up at a party.
PE: Where do you see this band in 5 years?
Sarah: I like your afro
PE: Okay, two years?
Sarah: My left breast might be slightly larger than my right one. I mean, I’m talking millimeters, but I have asked so many people backstage what they thought and it’s like 70/30 that the left one is bigger. Is that messed up or what? What sort of a loving God would do that to someone?
PE: Again, the new album …
Sarah: Right on. Yeah, so this album is called “I Like To Drink And Drive So I Can Be A Giant Pinball Going Down The Road”. I produced it, and we’ve already done a video for the song “Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied”. What happened was, someone online called me a slut, and I was complaining to my band about it, and they said “well, you kinda are”. So I figured I’d show them – I just grabbed our videographer and went out into the street and asked people passing by if they’d like to make out with me for a music video. And there it is.
PE: Your band has not shied away from controversial topics. Any on the new album?
Sarah: The entire album is INCREDIBLY offensive. We’re going to get death threats from everyone from Jay Leno to Aerosmith to the entire country of Germany. I’m starting to sober up a little – you got anything to drink? Maybe a little skag to take the edge off?
PE: I’m afraid not. Any final thoughts?
Sarah: Yeah, don’t listen to our album. We forgot to monetize when we signed up for Spotify, so we don’t even get that fraction of a penny that other artists do. Come to a show, help keep the underground punk scene alive.
PE: Thank …
Sarah: Also please spay or neuter your pets.
PE: Than …
Sarah: Listen, I’m really sorry. I can’t do anything right. Do you want a handjob or something?
PE: Um, no, thank you. Thank you to Sarah Herrera – please join us for the next edition when we have all four members of the band RAPE!, here on Punk Extravaganza.
www.tommylasordaexperience.com and www.sarahherreramusic.com