Dom Okon is a musical artist who comes from New Jersey. He is best known for his first studio album Youthly released in April 2022. At the end of February 2022, Dom Okon started Calmly Advice. A youth organization that informs teens/young adults on ways to better manage their mental health. In its first year, Calmly Advice was able to advocate for a variety of causes.
These include ways to manage toxic friendships, healthy sleep cycles, self love affirmations, tips on how to stay positive and more.
In June 2022, Calmly Advice also accepted applications to take on multiple teens from around the world to participate in the organization by being a writer, chapter leader or youth ambassador. These positions were held by a few candidates aged 14 – 22, some of which included Aadi Herminigildo and Zaara Parikh.
Dom Okon is more than pleased with his organization’s first year saying this, “ It’s great that we did so well but we could do better. In the years to come I would like to do more volunteer work or mental health workshops. I’m really passionate about advocating for mental health and would like to make the greatest impact possible for today’s youth.” If you would like to apply to be a writer, youth ambassador, or chapter leader for Calmly Advice look out on their Instagram page @calmlyadvice for when they’re looking to accept people for those positions again.