One of the worst things that one can experience relates to lower back and glute pain. What makes these areas more susceptible to pain is the fact that they commonly have to do daily activities. These activities can be as low impact as sitting or walking, or they can be high-impact exercises that come with playing a sport like basketball or tennis. Naturally, as the muscles in your lower back and glute are frequently used, it also means that when they are tighter, you will experience the pain more often as you go about your daily life.
A common pain point that many experiences when these muscles are not properly released or stressed out relates to Pain at top of the buttock crack when sitting. As most people will have to sit for several hours in order to complete their work, experiencing pain when sitting is one of the worst things. Still, there is a simple solution and it relates to accessing those deeper muscles in your lower back and tailbone that cause the pain. Two of these muscles include the Piriformis and the Gluteus Medius. These two muscles alone can actually be big components of the reasons for your reduced mobility and they could be largely to blame for the pain that one might be feeling in their lower back. While these are hard for people to normally access on their own, with the right exercises and the use of a specialized tool, like the QL claw which is designed by back muscle solutions, they can actually find ways to release these muscles easily. Self-piriformisreleaseand Gluteus Medius release can be the key to a more enjoyable life in which lower back and Gluteus Mediuspain are not as heavily experienced.
Providing relief in those areas usually entails having targeted areas that touch trigger points in the muscles for release. While this might seem hard at first, through following the right exercises and utilizing the QL claw on the right spots in your body, those trigger points will be automatically touched and relief will be almost instant. For those wanting to transform their lives and get rid of all of the pain, this is truly one of the best available solutions to reducing the amount of pain in one’s daily life.